Aaron Cubbage

My introduction to professional therapeutic massage occurred at 19 years old and instantly had a profound positive impact upon me. Following that 90 minute session I was feeling more comfortable and at peace in my body than I could recall ever feeling. Being a healthy 19 year old guy I wasn't really aware of any body discomfort on a regular basis and it really was surprising to me how much better I felt. I made a point of finding out where my massage therapist had learned how to do the work that was done to me with the thought that I may want to help other folks to experience the same comfort and peace.

That was all back in the year 2000. Some time passed; some life happened, finally in 2013 I attained my own NH certification to be a massage therapist at the Institute for Therapeutic Arts School of Massage Therapy in Hudson New Hampshire, an exemplary institution for 40 years.

Since then I’ve worked with hundreds of clients, have thousands of hours of experience and I continue to study massage technique with other bodyworkers at the top of their respective fields.


NH License # 5059MT

For 18 years I worked in the field of robotics where a discipline in troubleshooting complex electrical and mechanical systems now lends itself very well to my clinical massage therapy style, now applying those same disciplines to the complex human body.

In addition to receiving regular therapeutic massage myself; I’ve studied or experienced multiple healing methods to satisfy my own curiosities including Massage Cupping, Chiropractic, Kinesio Taping, Thai Massage, Essential Oils, Medicinal Herbs, Reiki, EFT Tapping, Crystal Bowl Sound Baths, Tuning Fork Sound Therapy and Sacred Sound Healing Circles.

Aaron Cubbage; LMT, CMCP